Interface Specifications
ASTM is the historical and widely used reference for the Interface built into every Sofia for sending the results to an LIS or EMR. ASTM stands for the American Society of Testing and Materials. The ASTM organization maintained the standard for Medical Device Interfaces for many years. The standard is now maintained and developed by CLSI, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formally NCCLS).
We still use the term ASTM when referring to the Sofia ASTM interface protocol because much of the industry does. Seasoned Lab Managers, LIS vendors and instrument software vendors are usually instantly familiar with the connection referred to as an “ASTM Interface.” So when inquiring with an LIS vendor if they can provide a uni-directional interface for a Sofia, we suggest using the term ASTM interface.
POCT1A is the widely used reference for the Interface built into every Sofia for sending results to and receiving User lists and updating Date and Time from an LIS or EMR. POCT1A stands for the Point Of Care Connectivity Approved Standard. The standard is maintained and developed by CLSI, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
We use the term POCT1A when referring to the Sofia POCT1A interface protocol because much of the industry does. Seasoned Lab Managers, LIS vendors and instrument software vendors are usually instantly familiar with the connection referred to as an “POCT1a Interface.” So when inquiring with an LIS vendor if they can provide a bi-directional interface for a Sofia, we suggest using the term POCT1A interface.
Complete details on our implementation of the ASTM (CLSI) or POCT1A interfaces is found in our Sofia LIS Interface Specification.